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Das Reallabor "Robotische KI" wird gefördert vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (MWK) aus Mitteln der Landesdigitalisierungsstrategie digital@bw.

last change: 2024-03-07
Rudenko, I., Norman, U., Maure, R., Rudenko, A., Weinberger, N., Krebs, F., Peller-Konrad, F., Reister, F., Asfour, T. and Bruno, B., Drawings for Insight on Preschoolers’ Perception of Robots, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2024
title = {Drawings for insight on preschoolers’ perception of robots},
author = {Rudenko, Irina and Norman, Utku and Maure, Romain and Rudenko, Andrey and Weinberger, Nora and Krebs, Franziska and Peller-Konrad, Fabian and Reister, Fabian and Asfour, Tamim and Bruno, Barbara},
booktitle = hri24,
year = {2024},
numpages = {5},
abstract = {The design of robots and robot-mediated activities for children needs to be informed by their expectations on robots, to ensure acceptability and effectiveness. Children drawings are a powerful tool to understand and describe these expectations, containing actionable insights for robot designers. We report a preliminary study of 50 drawings made by preschool children and investigate (i) their perception of robots and (ii) the change in perception induced by a short experience with real robots. Our analyses reveal that the children's age not only influences their perception of robots, but also how their perception changes after encountering robots.},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
doi = {10.1145/3610978.3640608},
file = {:Rudenko2024.pdf:PDF}
Krebs, F., Peller-Konrad, F., Younes, A., Reister, F., Bärmann, L., Vetter, P., Weinberger, N., Loewe, M., Ott, I., Nierling, L., Asfour, T., and Bruno, B., International Conference on Child-Robot Interaction (CRI), 2023
Title = {Making AI Tangible for Children through Humanoid Robots},
Author = {Krebs, Franziska and Peller-Konrad, Fabian and Younes, Abdelrahman and Reister, Fabian and Bärmann, Leonard and Vetter, Pascal and Weinberger, Nora and Loewe, Martha and Ott, Ingrid and Nierling, Linda and Asfour, Tamim and Bruno, Barbara},
Booktitle = cri,
Year = {2023},
File = {:Krebs2023.pdf:PDF}
Leonard, B., Kartmann, R., Peller-Konrad, F., Waibel, A., and Asfour, T., Incremental Learning of Humanoid Robot Behavior from Natural Interaction and Large Language Models, 2nd Workshop on Language and Robot Learning: Language as Grounding, 2023
title={Incremental Learning of Humanoid Robot Behavior from Natural Interaction and Large Language Models},
author={Leonard B{\"a}rmann and Rainer Kartmann and Fabian Peller-Konrad and Alex Waibel and Tamim Asfour},
booktitle={2nd Workshop on Language and Robot Learning: Language as Grounding},
File = {:Baermann2023.pdf:PDF}
Peller-Konrad, F., Kartmann, R., Dreher, C., Meixner A., Reister, F., Grotz, M., and Asfour, T., A memory system of a robot cognitive architecture and its implementation in ArmarX, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2023
title = {A memory system of a robot cognitive architecture and its implementation in ArmarX},
author = {Fabian Peller-Konrad and Rainer Kartmann and Christian R.G. Dreher and Andre Meixner and Fabian Reister and Markus Grotz and Tamim Asfour},
journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
pages = {104415},
numpages = {20},
volume = {164},
year = {2023},
issn = {0921-8890},
doi = {10.1016/j.robot.2023.104415},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.robot.2023.104415},
keywords = {Humanoid robotics, Memory-driven cognitive architecture, Working memory, Episodic memory, Long-term memory, Knowledge representation},
File = {:Peller2023.pdf:PDF}

Workshop Articles
Gerling, K., Vinel, A., Müller, K., Nierling L., Stiefelhagen, R., Karmann, C., Land, D., and Asfour, T., Technology-Centric Real-World Labs: Challenges and Opportunities for a New Mode of Participatory Research From the Perspective of Computer Science, Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband, 2023
author = "Gerling, Kathrin and Vinel, Alexey and Müller, Karin and Nierling, Linda and Stiefelhagen, Rainer and Karmann, Caroline and Lang, Daniel and Asfour, Tamim",
title = "Technology-Centric Real-World Labs: Challenges and Opportunities for a New Mode of Participatory Research From the Perspective of Computer Science",
booktitle = "Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband",
year = 2023,
publisher = "GI",
series = Mensch und Computer,
doi = "https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/42057",
url = "https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/42057",
abstract = "Real-World Labs (RWLs) hold the promise of directly involving citizens in shared shaping of research with the goal of societal transformation. However, particularly in the case of technologycentric RWLs, this is associated with unique challenges with respect to the way technology-based intervention is negotiated particularly with respect to accessibility and understanding of emerging technologies. In this position paper, we reflect upon these challenges on the basis of three RWLs, "Accessibility", "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics", and "Cooperative Autonomous Mobility". We close with guiding principles for technology-centric RWLs that we wish to discuss with the research community in an effort to ensure that the introduction of technological intervention does not threaten the democratic notion of the concept."
Nierling L., Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre Folgen – Ansatzpunkte für eine transformative Gestaltung am Beispiel des "Reallabors Robotische KI, Unsupervised Thinking / Unüberwachtes Denken (2023)

author = {Nierling, Linda},
year = {2023},
title = {Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre Folgen – Ansatzpunkte für eine transformative Gestaltung am Beispiel des "Reallabors Robotische KI"},
howpublished = {Vortrag gehalten auf Veranstaltungsreihe : Unsupervised Thinking / Unüberwachtes Denken (2023), Online, 14. Juni 2023},
note = {46.24.01; LK 01},
language = {german}
Nierling L., Weinberger, N., Vetter, P., Maia, M.J., Asfour, T., Krebs, F., Peller-Konrad, F., Reister, F., Younes, A., Bärmann, L., and Loewe, M., Holding the Tension between Technological Pathways and Societal Needs : A critical Reflection on a Technology Oriented Real-World Lab, Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies (2023)

author = {Nierling, Linda and Weinberger, Nora and Vetter, Pascal and Maia, Maria João and Asfour, Tamim and Krebs, Franziska and Peller-Konrad, Fabian and Reister, Fabian and Younes, Abdelrahman and Bärmann, Leonard and Loewe, Martha},
year = {2023},
title = {Holding the Tension between Technological Pathways and Societal Needs : A critical Reflection on a Technology Oriented Real-World Lab},
howpublished = {Vortrag gehalten auf 21st Annual STS Conference : Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies (2023), Graz, Österreich, 8.--10. Mai 2023},
note = {46.24.01; LK 01},
language = {english}
Workshop Articles
Nierling L., Maia, M.J., Weinberger, N., Vetter, P., Lahn, N., Asfour, T., Krebs, F., Peller-Konrad, F., and Reister, F., Real world Lab “Robotic Artificial Intelligence” - Experience artificial intelligence through humanoid robots, Cultures of Artificial Intelligence - New Perspectives for Museums (2022)

author = {Nierling, Linda and Maia, Maria João and Weinberger, Nora and Vetter, Pascal and Lahn, Nadine and Asfour, Tamim and Krebs, Franziska and Peller-Konrad, Fabian and Reister, Fabian},
year = {2022},
title = {Real world Lab “Robotic Artificial Intelligence” - Experience artificial intelligence through humanoid robots},
howpublished = {Poster präsentiert auf Cultures of Artificial Intelligence - New Perspectives for Museums (2022), Online, 1.--2. Dezember 2022},
note = {46.24.01; LK 01},
language = {english}